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Invite individuals to a request

Invite one or more individuals to respond to a request

Updated over a week ago

Vouch allows you to invite specific contacts to a created request, as well as make a request accessible via a public link.

If you wish to invite specific individuals to a request, simply navigate to the Overview page of your created Request.

From this page you will want to click on the Invite Contacts button under the contacts with access button.

Once clicked, this will load the invite individual contacts modal.

Here you can add the individuals you want to take part in the request, by either selecting them from the contacts already on your account, or by creating a new contact.

To create a new contact, simply start typing in some details about the user and the click Add new contact.

As you click on this option, the modal will change, allowing you to build the Contact's profile.

Once you have added at least one contact, you have two additional options available:

  • Send email request

  • Schedule automatic reminders

For send email request, Vouch will send a Vouch branded email to the respective contacts. For schedule automatic reminders, Vouch will send reminder emails to the respective contacts every two days until they complete the request.

From here, you can press invite contacts. This will load up the set live modal, where you can choose to set the request live, preview the request or cancel.

If you select set live, your contacts will be emailed the request (if you have enabled this option) or you can collect their individual request links to distribute.

To collect the individual links, simply click on the (...) button and click copy request link.

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