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Before you request a Vouch

Some best practices on what to say or do before you ask a customer to Vouch for you

Updated over a week ago

In our experience, a quick heads up to your customer is a great way of increasing the chance of a response to your Vouch Request. This could be as simple as a phone call, Slack message, or email.

Below is a customisable template that can be adapted as needed for any channel

Pre-Vouch comms (TEMPLATE)

Hi [Customer Name],

Following on from our last conversation, we are so excited that you have offered to help [Your Company Name] by sharing some quick feedback via video.

Normally, these testimonials are very time-consuming (we would have to be in your office with a camera crew) but we are using a new product called Vouch which will allow you to record your thoughts remotely and quickly!

Here's how Vouch works:

1. We will set up a series of questions for you to answer and you will receive a link from Vouch asking you to share some thoughts for [Your Company Name]
2. When you are ready, you can click this link from your desktop or mobile. This will bring you into the recording space to start answering each question individually
3. There's no pressure to get it right the first time as you can replay and re-record each video as many times as you'd like before hitting "submit"
4. You will then get an email from Vouch with your video link to review or share if you would like

We have kept the questions brief and expect the whole process to take you 10 minutes max! Thank you again for being part of our customer testimonial program and please let us know if you have any questions at all.

[Your Name]

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