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Advanced Customisation Options

Further customise your Campaigns & Vouches to best suit your use-case

Updated over a week ago

Vouch provides you the ability to customise various parts of your Vouch and Campaign request, including various labels, tips and what pages are shown to the end user. These customisations can be applied on a per Request level or at an account level at Settings > Default Settings

The following guide outlines what can be customised within a Campaign Request.

Customise your Campaign Request

To customise your Campaign Request, select the Customize Request tab under your Campaign Settings.

General Settings

The General Settings sections, you can customise the two key labels on the CampaignRequest, as well turn on or off various features within the Recorder.

The two Labels you can change are:

  • Vouch Title : This is both the title displayed on the Record Screen and the page title (which is displayed if you share the Request)

  • Thank you Message : What the end user see's once they have completed submitting their Vouch.

Recording Tips

The next option you can define is the Recording Tips displayed on the Public Recorder. These tips appear just before the user starts recording, and if left blank, Vouch will simply display the default tips.

Customize Recorder

Under Customize Recorder you can decide what features you can turn on and off for the Public Recorder.

The features you can control include:

  • Display Question List : Allow the user to see all questions up front and select the order upon which they wish to answer them.

  • Display 'Estimated Time to Answer' : Provide an estimate to the user around how long the request will take to complete.

  • Display Cover Screen : Display an introduction screen to the Vouch request showcasing the Request Message.

  • Display Contact Form : Display a contact form after the user has submitted their Vouch request.

  • Collect Company Information : Decide whether to collect Company Name, Company URL and Title or not.

  • Send Response Email : Send an email to the Respondent of the Vouch Request thanking them for answering.


On each Campaign Request you can ask users to accept your Terms & Conditions and/or Privacy Policy. Simply add the URL to the respective document and decide whether to show or hide the required checkbox.

To apply any changes you have made, simply select Save Settings for it to take effect instantly.

Once saved, you can see the respective changes in action by clicking on Preview in the Campaign header.

Further Information

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