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Recorder Embeds

Embed the Vouch Recorder in your website or app.

Updated over a week ago

Recorder Embeds provides an opportunity for brands to collect authentic and engaging Video content on their website using the Vouch Public Recorder.

Vouch currently offers two different Embed types for it’s Recorder, these are:

  • Button Embed

  • Inline Embed

The following guide outlines how to create an Embed for your Vouch Campaign and implement it onto your website.

Create a Recorder Embed

To create an embed for your Request, simply navigate to the Request you have created and load up the details page.

To access, either click the Share button on the top right hand side of the request, or the share button next to your public access URL.

From the list, click embed request.

At the top of the Embed editor, you will be presented with the option to alternate between the Button and Inline Recorder Embed options.

Button Recorder Embed

The Button Recorder Embed allows for brands to add a simple button to their website which will then load the Vouch Recorder in a modal. The modal will inherit any customisations applied to the request already, including what pages to display, colours and any cover videos or messages.

The customisation options offered for the Button Recorder Embed are:

Button Text

Define how curved / square GIF edges are

Font Size

Size of the Text on Button

Font Weight

Boldness of the Text on Button

Horizontal Padding

Space above and below Button Text

Vertical Padding

Space left and right Button Text

Button : Background Color

Background Color for Button at rest

Button : Text Color

Text Color for the Button at rest

Button : Border Color

Outline Color for the Button at rest.

Hover : Background Color

Background Color for Button on hover

Hover : Text Color

Text Color for the Button on hover

Hover : Border Color

Outline Color for the Button on hover

The Embed Code for the Button Recorder is a simple Javascript snippet, which will handle both rendering the Button and generating the Modal for the Recorder.

Inline Recorder Embed

The Inline Recorder Embed allows for brands to render the Vouch Recorder within an iFrame on their website. The Recorder will inherit any customisations applied to the request already, including what pages to display, colours and any cover videos or messages.

As it is a simple iFrame, inheriting from the Campaign Settings, there are no customisation options on the Inline Embed.

The Embed Code for the Inline Recorder is a simple HTML snippet which will render an iFrame on the brand’s website.

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