The Video Library provides an overview of every video within your Vouch account and allows you to quickly perform a range of quick or batch actions from the list view.

From within the Library you can add additional video clips or find particular clips that may have been collected from a particular respondent, organisation or campaign.

Batch Actions

From the Library view, you can select one or more videos and perform batch actions against them.

To select a video, simply hover to the top left corner of the video you wish to select. A box will appear that you can then tick. As you tick one, the batch action bar will appear at the bottom of the screen and you can continue to select more videos.

Batch actions you can perform from the library include:

  • Use Ask Vouch on these videos
  • Add these videos to a Playlist
  • Update (Add and/or Remove) the Tags associated with these videos
  • Update which Contact is associated with the videos
  • Delete the Videos

Quick Actions

Quick actions are designed to make it easier to perform the key action(s) that you need to against your videos. To access the click actions simply click on the quick action menu located next to the video title.

Quick actions you can perform against a video include:

  • Play the video from within the Library
  • Add the video to a Playlist
  • Update (Add and/or Remove) tags associated with the video
  • Copy the Playlink
  • Embed the Video
  • Generate Email Embed code for the Video
  • Download the Video
  • Edit the Video
  • Delete the Video

Add videos to your Library

Every time you create a Recording or receive a Response to a Vouch Request or upload a video, these clips will be added directly to your Library.

In addition you can also add directly to the Library by clicking on the add new video button. From here you will have the option to creating a new recording or uploading a video.

Refinement Options

Vouch offers a range of refinement and sorting options within the Library, allowing you to find the clips you need.

The Sorting options available include the ability to Sort By:

  • Newest
  • Oldest

The Filtering options Vouch offers is the ability to Filter By:

  • Content Type (Responses, Uploads, Recordings)
  • Tag
  • Organization
  • Contact
  • Request
  • Keyword Search

Simply select one or more options from the filters and add keywords to the search to find the content you are looking for.
