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Setup your Vouch Confluence app

Updated over a week ago

The Vouch for Confluence app allows users to leverage the power of Vouch to collect relevant video and screen recording content and categorise this automatically within Confluence.

The following guide outlines how to connect the two platforms, as well how your Vouch Video responses will be added to Confluence.

Setup Integration

To setup the Vouch for Confluence app, simply navigate to the Integrations page within your Vouch account and navigate to the Confluence listing.

To progress, simply click Connect with Confluence to start the connection flow. This will send you to the authentication screen where you can grant access to Vouch to post to your Confluence account.

Simply select which Confluence Cloud account you want Vouch to publish to and hit Accept to finish the process.

Finding your Videos

Once your Vouch for Confluence app has been configured, all relevant Vouch responses will automatically added to a Vouch space within your Confluence Cloud account.

Vouch responses will be grouped by Campaigns, with a high level page created for each Campaign similar to below.

Responses for the Campaign will be stored as sub-pages under the Campaign page and will contain the following information:

  • Responder Name

  • Responder Company

  • Responder Email

  • Date

  • Response Hash

  • Public View URL

  • Vouch Video Player

  • Transcripts

Each video will automatically play natively within Confluence and will be searchable using Confluence's advanced searching features.

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