Security, Legal & Other

What companies do we share data with?

Vouch takes data security and privacy seriously. Listed in this article are the various third party companies and services that we use, and may sometimes share data with. Vouch never shares data unnecessarily, and has taken care to choose partners who meet our strict privacy and security standards as outlined in our Information Security Policy.

Third Party Services

Operational Services

  • Purpose: These vendors provide the underlying infrastructure for the Vouch platform.
  • Data Disclosed: All user data is stored on Amazon Web Services. Heroku may process select data.
  • Vendors: Amazon Web Services, Heroku


  • Purpose: To make Vouch better, we use various tools and vendors to help provide us insight.
  • Data Disclosed: Select event based information will be shared with MixPanel. Anonymous interaction data will be shared with Google Analytics.
  • Vendors: MixPanel, Google Analytics

Sales / Business Development

  • Purpose: These tools are used by our Sales team to help manage our relationships with some customers.
  • Data Disclosed: All user data is shared with Intercom and Hubspot that is required for the purposes of managing user accounts.
  • Vendors: Intercom, Hubspot

Customer Success

  • Purpose: These tools are used by our Customer Success and Support team to manage support requests.
  • Data Disclosed: All user data is shared with Intercom that is required for the purposes of providing effective support.
  • Vendors: Intercom

Subscription Management

  • Purpose: These tools are used to manage your account details, payments and billing details.
  • Data Disclosed: User accounts and billing information is disclosed to Stripe.
  • Vendors: Stripe