Vouch Global Search allows you to search across your entire Vouch account to find any video based upon a wide range of attributes.

What can I search?

Global Search allows you to find any of the following within your account:

  • Individual Video Clips (including Uploads & Recordings) that match your query criteria
  • Individual Questions from a Request that match your query criteria
  • Individual Clips, Requests or Videos that match your query criteria

When searching, Vouch will look across the following attributes:

  • Respondent Details (Including Name, Email, Title, Company)
  • Question Text
  • Video Transcript
  • Request Details

The Global Search is designed to work across all languages.

How do I search?

To make a query, simply click on the magnifying glass icon located in the top right hand corner of your Vouch account or use the Search bar on the Dashboard.

Once clicked, you will be able to type in whatever keywords you wish to search for within your account.

Refining Results

Once you have queried your account, Vouch provides the ability to refine the Search Results based upon the following buckets:

  • Type
  • Tag

To refine, simply click on the respective header located at the top of the Search Results panel.
