
Trim your videos

Vouch offers a range of editing tools as part of the Vouch Editing Suite.

One of the tools available within the Editing Suite is the ability to trim the start and end of any video, enabling brands to quickly and easily remove any ‘umms’, ‘ahhs’ or people looking away from the camera.

Accessing the Editor

To access the Vouch video editor simply navigate to the Video you wish to edit and click on the Edit button located just above the video player.

This will load the Vouch video editor with the timeline editor.

Trim the video

Once the video editor has loaded, you can now trim your video on a scene by scene level. To trim, click on the scene you want to edit and drag the handle bars inwards.

If you make a mistake, you can use undo to reverse it. If you need a more granular view of the timeline, click to zoom in.

Once done, press Save changes for the changes to take effect.
