Create a Request

Question configuration options

Vouch offers a number of configuration options when creating a Question to help ensure that the types of responses you receive more closely match the requirements of your organisation.

The following guide outlines each of the Configuration items available on a Question by Question basis when creating a Request.

Accessing Configuration options

To access the configuration options for a question, simply click to edit button an existing question or add question to a Request.

From the modal, select show advanced options to see the full list of configuration options.

Configuration options

Listed below are the full list of configuration options available.


Sometimes when creating a Vouch Request, not all questions are appropriate for all responders or may hold the same value. As such, users can decide whether a request is Required (Default) or Optional.

If a question is set to Optional, responders will have the ability to skip the question.


Vouch offers the ability to collect two types of responses, these being:

  • Video Recordings
  • Screen Recordings

Video Recordings are the standard way of recording within Vouch, with a responder leveraging their device camera to record their response.

Screen Recording allow for responders to share either a Tab, Window or Screen on their device for the recording.

Note: Screen Recording only works on Desktops.


The Orientation setting allows you to provide guidance to an end user around how they should record their Vouch, with the options being:

  • Landscape
  • Portrait
  • Square

Based upon the option selected, visual prompts will be provided to end users, however Vouch will not prevent an end user from recording in other orientations.

If left as System Default, the respondent can decide to record in whatever orientation they please.

Camera Direction

The Camera Direction setting allows you to set what Camera the respondent should be using when recording on mobile. The options available are:

  • User selection
  • Front facing
  • Back facing

Back facing is most useful when you wish to collect B-Roll / Scenery style footage.

Limit duration

Vouch does not apply any time limits to responses by default, meaning it is possible for someone to provide quite a long response. Naturally in some use cases this may not be appropriate, as such you can set, in seconds, the maximum duration you are prepared to support.

Limit takes

Vouch does not prevent uses from taking an unlimited number of takes by default, meaning they can re-record multiple times and then select their best recording to submit. Naturally in some cases having this flexibility may not be appropriate, as such you can set the maximum number of takes a user can record.

Pre-filled notes

Pre-filled notes allows you to provide some pointers or notes for your respondent to help guide them through their recording. When populated, these notes will be visible to the respondent, and they can then choose to edit these notes before recording.
