
Tags in Vouch help group similar objects like Requests, Playlists, and Videos, making them easier to find through search and filtering The following guide outlines how to manage tags at an account level, as well at a request, video or

Configure your brand settings

Vouch offers the ability to set brand settings for your Vouch Recorder, Playlink and Open Graph (OG) Image at a Global Level. The following guide outlines the configuration options available for each three of the outputs. Recorder Option Description Look

Enabling Camera on your Browser

The following guide outlines how to enable and/or re-enable your Camera and Microphone across the various browsers Vouch supports. The browsers covered in this document are: Safari Desktop By default, Safari will present a modal asking for permission to allow

Export responses to CSV

Vouch provides the ability to download key details relating to all the responses collected for a Vouch request. Export details Included below are the details that are included in all CSV exports from Vouch requests. Column Description id Hash ID

Request QR codes

In addition to generating a URL link to share your request, Vouch also allows you to generate a Quick Response (QR) code graphic which can be used to promote the Campaign in non-digital use cases. To following guide outlines how

Embed your request

Recorder Embeds provides an opportunity for brands to collect authentic and engaging Video content on their website using the Vouch Public Recorder. Vouch currently offers two different Embed types for it’s Recorder, these are: The following guide outlines how to

Reminder emails

Vouch allows for brands to send both manual and automated Email Reminders as a follow up to any individual that they have invited to respond to a Request. The automated reminders are sent every 2 days for a maximum of

Pre-populate user details for a request

Vouch Requests support the ability for a respondent’s details to be pre-populated with key details such as name, email address and even company being added to the Request URL as simple query strings. Through this feature, not only does it

Set your request live

Once you have created your request, you can now share it with your intended respondents and set it live. Vouch offers two ways to share a request, which will set it live. These are: Listed below are the steps you