
Tags in Vouch help group similar objects like Requests, Playlists, and Videos, making them easier to find through search and filtering The following guide outlines how to manage tags at an account level, as well at a request, video or

Single Sign On

Vouch supports Secure Assertion Markup Language 2.0 (SAML), which allows you to provide single sign-on (SSO) for both the Vouch Admin User Interface, Vouch Recorder and Vouch Playlinks using enterprise identity providers such as Active Directory and LDAP. By using

Configure your brand settings

Vouch offers the ability to set brand settings for your Vouch Recorder, Playlink and Open Graph (OG) Image at a Global Level. The following guide outlines the configuration options available for each three of the outputs. Recorder Option Description Look

Global search

Vouch Global Search allows you to search across your entire Vouch account to find any video based upon a wide range of attributes. What can I search? Global Search allows you to find any of the following within your account:

Setup transcription translation

Vouch offers for all customers the ability to automatically translate any transcriptions which have been recorded in a language other than what has been specified as the Default Language on the account. These transcriptions are able to be viewed and

Connect your domain

Customers are provided the opportunity to define a Custom Subdomain for their Vouch account. This Custom Subdomain will replace the app.vouchfor.com domain which is shown on various Vouch outputs including the Public Recorder and the Playlink. The following guide outlines

Build your custom dictionary

Teams and Enterprise customers within Vouch have the ability to define specific terms or names that are frequently mentioned in their video responses, enhancing transcription accuracy. This feature is particularly beneficial for industries with specialized vocabulary or unique names. To