
Reporting in Google Analytics

The following article is designed to provide you a high level overview of how to leverage your Vouch for Google Analytics integration to obtain deeper insights around your candidate’s journey in Google Analytics 4. Learn how to create segments, audiences, and comparison groups to understand candidate behavior. We’ll also explore building Funnel and Path Exploration reports to visualize the candidate journey and identify key drop-off points.

Create a custom Audience

In Google Analytics 4 (GA4), audiences are indispensable for crafting highly targeted Google Ads campaigns. By leveraging GA4’s audience builder, it is possible to create audiences based on user’s who have interacted with Vouch outputs, such as Embeds, Playlinks and/or Recorder.

To create a custom Audience, go to Data Display > Audiences and select New audience.

Depending on the type of audience you are trying to create, you can pick from one of the audience references presented in GA4. For this demo, we are going to create a custom audience from scratch.

Once we select what criteria we want to use to define how a user gets added to this audience. For those who have interacted with a Vouch Embed or Playlink, the easiest way is to select events = vouch_viewed. For those who interact with the recorder, it is recommended to use events = vouch_thankyou_viewed.

Once you have defined the initial event(s), you can choose to drill down further if you wish and only include those who interact with certain requests or videos on the media player or only those who interact on certain pages.

Once the audience is created, all new users who satisfy the criteria will be automatically added to the audience, which can then be used in Google Ads campaigns.

Create a custom Comparison Group

Comparison groups are valuable in Google Analytics 4 for conducting in-depth analysis in standard reports within the tool. A common use case customers will take is to create a comparison group for those who interact with the Vouch Media Player. By creating this group it is possible to see whether the use of Embeds and/or Playlinks helps with the candidate journey.

To create a comparison, go to Data Display > Comparisons and select New comparison.

This will open the create comparison flow. The recommended conditions to use are Dimension = Event Name, Match Type = Exactly Matches and Value = vouch_viewed.

From here you can save the Comparison and give it a name.

Once named, this Comparison group will be available for use in all standard reports in Google Analytics.

Create a custom Segment

For exploration reports in Google Analytics 4, you will need to create a Segment in order to differentiate between different groups of users. To create a segment, go to Data Display > Segments and select New segment.

Depending on the type of segment you are trying to create, you can pick from one of the audience references presented in GA4. For this demo, we are going to create a custom user segment.

Once we select what criteria we want to use to define how a user gets added to this segment. For those who have interacted with a Vouch Embed or Playlink, the easiest way is to select events = vouch_viewed. For those who interact with the recorder, it is recommended to use events = vouch_thankyou_viewed.

Once you have defined the initial event(s), you can choose to drill down further if you wish and only include those who interact with certain requests or videos on the media player or only those who interact on certain pages.

Once the segment is created, it can be added to all respective explorations within your GA4 instance.

Create a Funnel Exploration report

Funnel Exploration reports are highly useful as a way of visualizing and analyzing each step in a candidate’s journey and to help pinpoint areas of friction and optimize conversion rates. The powerful tool allows you to build a custom funnel that mirrors your ideal candidate pipeline, giving you insights as to where candidates are abandoning the process and allows you to bring in events from a range of tools, including your Career Site, Vouch Embeds, Conversation Widgets and more.

The first step in creating a Funnel Exploration report is to determine what the key steps in your candidate journey are and then to determine whether you have events that mirror these steps in your GA4 account. Depending on your approach, you may wish to include Vouch events are key events in your report or you may wish to leverage segments to see if those who interact with Vouch have a more successful journey.

If you wish to add Vouch interactions as a step in the flow, you will need to go to Data display > Events and ensure the event vouch_viewed is marked as a Key Event. If there are other events you wish to use in your Funnel Exploration, you should also mark them as Key Events.

Once you have configured all your Key Events, you can now go to Explorations > Funnel exploration to start creating a new report.

From the exploration builder, you can start to define the steps you wish to Report on, as well as any Segments. This will start to build out the report, allowing you to gain greater insight into the candidate journey.

Create a Path Exploration Report

Path Exploration reports provide a visual map of the most common user journeys leading up to applying for a role, giving you valuable insights into candidate behavior. By analyzing these paths, you can identify popular entry points, unexpected detours, and common drop-off points in the candidate journey. This knowledge empowers you to optimize website navigation, improve content placement, and personalize calls to action, ultimately guiding candidates more effectively towards successful applications and strengthening your recruitment efforts.

To start creating a Path Exploration report, go to Explorations > Path exploration to start creating a new report.

From here you can start to build out your paths. It is recommended including the Vouch segment you created earlier so you can understand the impact of viewing Vouch videos on the user flow.
