We’ve made some changes to Dashboard & Settings in the platform to help make it easier to organise your account and find the latest changes.    

New dashboard

We’ve refreshed the Vouch platform dashboard based upon your feedback.  The new dashboard offers a more consolidated view making it easier to see what new videos have been added to your account, what playlists have been created and what requests are live.

Additionally, we’ve introduced smart action cards, which provide actionable insights right at your fingertips. These cards suggest the next best steps based on your activity, helping you  manage your account more efficiently.

Restructuring settings

We have started the process of restructuring settings within the platform to better group related features and build space for new features that will be released in the future. 

You will now have access to four new setting sections in addition to the existing Account & Organization setting sections.  These new sections are:

  • Brand kit
  • AI Settings
  • Recorder settings
  • Playlink settings

Brand kit is your new home to configure your account’s colours and branding across templates, the recording experience and playlink, whilst AI settings allows you to configure your custom dictionary and will be the home for some of the exciting new AI features coming soon.

Tags & Integrations have a new home

Tags and Integrations have a new home within the platform and are now available under the Organization settings within your account.

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