Tags in Vouch help group similar objects like Requests, Playlists, and Videos, making them easier to find through search and filtering

The following guide outlines how to manage tags at an account level, as well at a request, video or playlist object level.

Manage Tags

Tags across your Vouch account can be managed within the Tags management page within your Organization settings. From here you can add new tags, see which objects a tag is associated with and choose to update, merge or delete current tags.

Add a Tag

To create a new tag, simply click on the create tag button at the top right hand corner of the tag management screen.

This will load the create tag modal where you can give the tag a name and description. Name is the only required field.

Once you have added the tag name, you can press create tag to add it to your account.

Remove Tags

To remove tags from your account, go to the Tags management page within your Organization settings. This will load up all the Tags within your account and will outline how many objects each tag has been associated with.

To delete a tag, simply click on the overflow menu on the right hand side and click on the delete tag option from the menu.

Once clicked, you will be presented with a modal to confirm your choice. The tag will be removed from all objects it was previously associated with.

Merge Tags

To merge tags within your account, go to the Tags management page within your Organization settings. This will load up all the Tags within your account and will outline how many objects each tag has been associated with.

To merge two or more tags, simply click on the overflow menu on the right hand side and click on the merge tag option from the menu.

From the merge tag modal, you can select which two or more tags you wish to merge and what name you would like the new merged tag to be.

Tagging objects

Tags are able to be added to any Request, Video (Including responses, imports, uploads and recordings) and Playlists within your account. To see the respective tags associated with an object, as well add or remove them, simply go to the overview page of the particular object.

Add Tags

To add a tag to an object, click on the respective Request, Video or Playlist and go to the Overview tab. On the tab, click on the Add tag button located under the Tags header to either add an existing tag or create a new tag.

Remove Tags

To remove a tag associated with an object, click on the respective Request, Video or Playlist and go to the Overview tab. On this page you will be able to see all the tags associated with the object. To remove the tag, click on the X next to the tag you wish to remove.
